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Remembering Is Not Enough

"Today, we remember the people who gave their all protecting our democracy. That battle, over for them, now falls to us." As we remember on this Memorial Day the military personnel who have died protecting our freedom and our democracy and our way of life in this country, maybe we can do more than remember. Maybe we can resolve to do our part. Freedom and democracy aren't ensured solely by the military. As a collective society, we need to stand up and fight for truth, reality, the right to vote, the sanctity of democractic elections, freedom. The Big Lie is an attack on this country. An attack from within. It is based on falsehoods and lies, not evidence or facts. Even now, 7 months after the 2020 election, people in power continue to push the false narrative. These people are trying to destroy our country. If you still support The Big Lie, you are one of these people. Please stop. If you know The Big Lie is a lie, but don't realize the extent of the danger
Recent posts

The "Top 10"

Recently, a friend asked me to list a ‘top 10’ of destructive things from the current White House in the past 4 years.   I struggled to answer it, not because there was nothing worth mentioning, but because there was so much . The reason I know there's so much is because I've spent 2-3 hours a day most of the past 5 years, digging deep into what's going on in our country.  I dare say I've paid more attention than most Americans and am pretty good at finding, absorbing, discerning, and digesting information.  I am not an expert on ANY of the topics, but I know how to find information from people who are. The list of atrocities and crimes against the United States of America, the Constitution, and the people committed by the current administration is so long, it is hard to recap it all or remember the worst of the worst. This blog post focuses primarily on things the President himself has done, or spearheaded; it does not include any of the corruption or other atrocitie

We Are At War

May we all come together in solidarity. We can. We must. And we will. There have been many things I've wanted to talk about in the past several weeks regarding COVID-19, aka coronavirus.  Many of my thoughts have been echoed by others, or the right advice and perspective were repeated far and wide.  But something I saw tonight was a bit different, and it really moved me.  It was a speech by French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron. We are at war with a disease that will kill millions of Americans unless each one of us takes action in our own daily lives to prevent it. Yes, the threat is real.  No, the scientists are not overreacting.  No, the media is not blowing it out of proportion.  It is impossibe for a city or a state or a nation or a planet to get the response to a pandemic exactly right .  Over-reacting or under-reacting, those are the choices.  The only way to get out in front of something like this, to prevent the worst case scenario, is to take actions that seem, at th

POTUS Impeachment - Breakdown of Proposed Trial Procedures

@nycsouthpaw is a lawyer I've followed on Twitter for a while.  I do not know his politics; I follow him because he offers intelligent analysis and context and breakdown and reading between the lines on the legal aspects of various current events.  Folks such as Southpaw often provide more detailed insight than what is available on more mainstream outlets - whether TV, print, or online.  In fact, at least one important point in Southpaw's Twitter thread was not mentioned during my 20 minutes of listening to MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN this morning - and that included several minutes' worth of an interview with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. With McConnell's proposed trial procedures - which are due to be debated/discussed today as the trial begins - for the POTUS impeachment trial just having been announced yesterday evening, I was looking for some explanation of what the procedures mean and what type of trial seems to be the goal of such procedures. This brief

Sources and Methods

This is a (long) 'quick post' to discuss, by way of recent examples, a couple of sources I've come to rely on for information and analysis of current events.  In a future post, I'll go into more depth and breadth on more of my favorite sources. Headlines and high-level information about current events are available all over the place.  What I'm talking about in this post is next-level analysis, context, breakdown, historical perspective, bottom-lining.  This is something that large media outlets or 'mainstream media' don't do often enough or well enough or timely enough. If you'd be so kind, consider following me on Twitter -- my new account for social issues, current events is @RootingA - short for my blog name  Rooting for Americans .  Twitter doesn't allow handles > 15 characters :(  My primary personal Twitter account is @whiteshoeswhite .  Not many tweets or likes or retweets about social issues, but the list of accounts I follow pro

Are We Screwed?

As a nation, as a people, as a society, are we screwed?   Are we doomed to lose our way of living, our way of functioning that has evolved for the past 250 years?   I’m worried that, yeah, maybe we are.   Maybe.   It all depends on what we do right now. A respected and beloved faith leader in my local community recently posted on social media about social media being an inappropriate place for people to share or push their political views.   The leader stated that this is a complete waste of time and causes many people to tune out and ignore completely a person who posts about politics.   They also stated that all news is slanted to varying degrees and that both sides have lost their minds.   They stated this would be their only political post about the 2020 election – in other words, they are not going to talk about current issues or ‘politics’ in our country on social media. The leader’s post was very thought-provoking for me.   Though I agreed with many of the points, in ce

It's Really Quite Simple

Please bear with me, as this is my first post on this new blog.  Most/all future posts will be more resource-intensive, but this one is from the heart and it needs to be said and heard.  If you have a problem with the viewpoint in this post, may I suggest you either: Quit reading my blog and continue living comfortably in your alternate reality. Keep reading my blog and see if you can come to appreciate where I'm coming from. I don't spend 2-3 hours a day learning about world and national affairs because I enjoy it (I don't), or because I have nothing better to do in my free time (I do). I spend the time because it seems that important to be well read on what is happening. Now it's time for me to take further steps to join the fight for the future of our country. Without further humble first blog post. "It's Really Quite Simple" Who have you been rooting for the past three years?  I’ve been rooting for America. I’ve always rooted